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Commonly known as an eyelid reduction, a blepharoplasty is a simple, safe and quick procedure to remove excess fat or skin from the eyelids with the aim of improving drooping, hooded or misshaped eyelids.
With age, our muscles slacken and the skin loses its elasticity. For the eyelids, this results in folds in the upper lids and deepening creases in the lower lids which can affect eyesight and change the shape of our eyes. A blepharoplasty is an effective way to restore a youthful appearance around the eye area and can be carried out under local or general anaesthetic on the lower eyelids/eye bags, upper eyelids or both.
During a free of charge consultation with one of our online consultants you can find out about the procedure in detail and whether it’s right for you.
Types of Bleparoplasty
We all have different needs and wants, which is why your eyelid surgery will always be tailored to you. Depending on the nature and severity of your excess eyelid skin, you may need either upper, lower, or combined blepharoplasty, and the procedures differ in terms of their process and recovery.
- Upper blepharoplasty is a relatively short procedure that can take as little as 30 minutes. Usually performed under local anaesthetic, an upper blepharoplasty requires minimal downtime and has lessened risks making it one of the safest and most speedy invasive procedures available. Patients can return home swiftly after their procedure with a huge difference to their eyes and face.
- More complex than the upper blepharoplasty but still relatively quick, procedures for the lower lids often require general anaesthetic and take between 1-2 hours to perform. Eye Bag Removal can be done as part of a lower or combined blepharoplasty, helping to reduce puffiness, without causing a hollowed out look.
- For those with more severe problems, a combination of both upper and lower can take place to restore a youthful and refreshed appearance, but the look you want and the best method to achieve it will always be discussed fully at the consultation stage.
The Procedure
Blepharoplasty, is a straightforward procedure which usually takes between one and three hours to complete and is often carried out as a day case procedure. The length of time you are in theatre for and your recovery time will depend on the specific surgery you decide to have – this could be surgery to the upper lids, lower lids, or both upper and lower together.
- Upper Eyelid Surgery: For some patients, upper eyelid surgery only requires the use of a local anaesthesia and a mild sedative, meaning the recovery time should be quicker compared to when general anaesthesia is used. Your surgeon will begin by making small incisions along the natural crease of the upper eye lid (approximately 1 cm above the lash line). He or she will then very carefully separate the skin from the underlying tissue before removing or repositioning the fatty tissue and tightening the muscles. Before stitching or gluing the incision using surgical glue, the skin will be stretched to ensure that the end result is smooth and free from lines and wrinklesas much as possible.
- Lower Eyelid Surgery: If you opt for lower eyelid surgery, or a combination of upper and lower eyelid surgery, this will almost always be performed under general anaesthesia. Your surgeon will make an incision along the lower lash line before removing any excess fat (often known as eye bags) and stretching the skin to ensure a smooth finish. Once the incision has been stitched, any excess skin will be removed and you will be left with smoother, younger looking skin underneath the eyes.
Most patients experience some level of bruising and swelling after surgery. This can last several weeks, depending on the person. Many patients are presentable and return to work within one to two weeks.
There can be scarring after any surgery involving an incision. However, through the transconjuctival approach, in which the majority of the surgery is done behind the eyelid, the scar is hidden.
A number of other aesthetic procedures are often combined with Blepharoplasty.
These include lower blepharoplasty (eyebag removal), face & necklift and skin resurfacing.